
One of the best ways to get connected here at Lakewood is through serving. People often say that their service teams become their family. 


Ways to Get Connected

One of the best ways you can get connected and build strong relationship at Lakewood is by joining a TEAM or GROUP!


Looking to volunteer?


Detailed below are the steps to becoming a Lakewood volunteer:


Background Check

Once you complete your application, you will receive a “Next Steps” email from us that requests you authorize us to run a criminal background check on you. This is an important part of our volunteer onboarding and child safety program. It helps us place the right volunteers in the right places around the church!




In the “Next Steps” email, you will also be asked to register for a volunteer interview. This interview allows us to get to know you better and is also an important part of our volunteer onboarding process. We have lots of days and times, in person and on Zoom, for your convenience.



4. REFERENCES – In your application, we asked you for some references from your family and places you’ve worked or volunteers in the past. Because this is another important part of helping us ensure the right volunteers are placed in the right areas, we ask that you please talk to your references and encourage them to be watching for an email and/or call from us!

5. CHILD SAFETY TRAINING – If you are working with our students and children, you want to make sure you are well equipped to deal with any issues of child abuse. Because of that we require all our staff and volunteers working with minors to take this amazing training. You will receive an email from with a link to the training, so keep your eyes out for it in your inbox! 

Once these steps are completed, you will be contacted by your volunteer ministry area and begin the amazing journey of being a Lakewood volunteer!

Greeter holds "we're glad you're here" sign


We have volunteer opportunities during all of our services. From our service team ministry to KidsLife, there is a place for everyone to serve. To read about all volunteer opportunities including for teens or Spanish, click "Read more" below.

English Adult Ministries Application Student Ministries Application Teen Volunteer Application
Spanish Application Existing Volunteer Application


    • English Adult Ministries: All ministry opportunities, like Women's, Men's, Life Groups, and others.
    • Student Ministries: All ministries that work with or involve minors. Please note, this also includes Dance.
    • Teen Volunteer Application: Application for volunteers ages 13–17.
    • Spanish
    • Existing Volunteer Application: For volunteers already serving.
Danilo Montero at a Block Party


We believe that connecting throughout the week is a vital part of the life of Lakewood Church and our Christian walk. LifeGroups are small groups that meet to create conversation and community amongst the Lakewood members and the local community. Click here to find a LifeGroup that best fits your interests, or email us at

A man raises his hand in worship


At Lakewood, we believe in being generous with our treasure, time, and talents. When you choose to give and sow any of those 3, you choose to connect your heart to a greater cause. The Bible says, “Where your treasure is, there your HEART will be also”. When you give, watch your heart grow, your life flourish, and know your giving is making an impact all over the world!

Lakewood Relief and Outreach


Lakewood volunteers have huge hearts for helping people and as a church, we exist to empower and elevate people in need. With Lakewood’s extensive collaboration of local, regional and national partners, you can be a part of giving hope through tangible actions. If you would like to get involved, apply below.

Lakewood Relief and Outreach


Lakewood field teams bring hope to communities both domestically and internationally through short-term experiences to help communities with long-term goals. Join us for the McAllen, TX mission trip October 28th–November 2nd as we serve families along the U.S. and Mexico border.