New Beginnings Discover Your New Life in Christ



We are so excited for you as you step into your New Beginning! This is the best decision of your life! We suggest the following next steps to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.



new beginnings class

We are so excited for your New Beginning! We’ve designed a 4-part class to help you grow in your faith journey. Taught by some of our leadership team, these classes are designed to help you understand the next steps as a new believer. Whether you are local to Houston or are watching online, we consider you a part of our Lakewood family, and we want to continue to help you grow as you experience God’s best for you.

Find a lifegroup

LifeGroups are a great way for you to find community and connection with your Lakewood family. They are small groups that meet throughout the week and are a great way for you to continue to grow in your faith. We have virtual groups and in-person groups.





Lakewood Church | New Beginnings


We want to help you grow in your faith. Download these free resources to get started. You will be encouraged and inspired.



For more information about New Beginnings, contact us 713-491-1178 or